Xing You
All About Me!
16 Years of Age
Student, percussionist in School Band
Pasir Ris Secondary School
Superpower needed: To fly in the sky!
Xiu Wei
Yan Ting
Wan Leng
Wee Ting
Yu Chao
Su Juen Jie Jie
Bi Xuan Jie Jie
Choon Yi
Bao Shan
Wei Jie
Shu Hua
Xin Er
Other Bands
Ms Annabel Ho(teacher)
January 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
Ending of 2007
I thought I might blog tonight because its the last night before 2007 ends? Why didn't I blog on the last DAY of 2007? I don't know why...
Pictures from Hokkaido: Part 1
Yup it's freezing cold out there... :D just trying to look sad in this one haha.. Ishiya White Chocolate Factory LOOK these guys work hard into the night as well... The Lunch AAHHHH! Giant bear terrorizes the town! So this is just some of pictures I edited to make it smaller...hope you guys enjoy it :D
My Elder Sister
First of all, Merry Christmas to you folks out there.
Just A Tease
Me and my sister
Only In Hokkaido
So I'm back from my one-week trip in Hokkaido, Japan with my family. What can I say...There's always something different from the other every holiday trips I've had. Okay so let me summarise this as short as possible..
Life's Like Super Mario's really fast and busy nowadays, and before I know it, I'm going off to Japan, Hokkaido for holiday on Monday night and I've not done a single homework yet. If anyone played Super Mario before, you might understand why the reference to it in the title of this entry...
I just came back from my Brother-in-law's Auntie's house. I was there with my family for dinner. I had a great time there as my elder sister and bro-in-law made po piah for me. Bro-in-law's ones are much more tasteful than elder sister's one though :P Then later, we were watching television and we came back. Elder sister wasn't feeling any good as she had worked from morning til 7pm and she got scolded by Mom at Auntie's house. Hope she gets better...
2007 had been a depressing year and it went so fast. If I were to let you see what I remember of 2007 very vividly, it woud be me hitting the sack every night. I can't remember what the hell I did this year. I spent like a quarter of my day sleeping, another half for school, another quarter at home doing homework and balancing my social life. I don't know, but I feel that as I grow up, the time seems to pass faster and faster.
3E5..What's been going on? This class is as shitty as hell. With all the mad-cap teachers and the chaotic students, I adapted to this shitty class as I can't do anything. I washed my hands off this class since the beginning of this year. Everyday is hell for me. I learnt how to sit down there and shut up like an office drone. Do my work and shut up, only agree and never disagree. The only time to be crazy? Recess and after school. This is where I put one of my favourite phrase to use, "Fuck the rest and do whatever the fuck I want." School life is boring and hope 2008 won't be.
Band life has been fruitful as usual. CCAs teach you stuff that classrooms doesn't. That's what I love about my band. So I'll end here, I'm sorry I did no justice to Band Life paragraph but I need to rush off now.
So happy new year to you guys out there and have a great year ahead...
Before we went in the shop, we were out taking photo..
OOO we're here in the shop! But..
Dad and Mom
Beautiful sleigh...
Imperial Crab!
Tuna and Salmon
LOOK AT THAT, that is the magnificent tuna! *slurps*
That wasn't the intended effect I wanted it...
This is a personal post that I'm going to make. It's will be different of course, from the other posts I made. I'm going to blog about my elder sister. I think she deserves one good long post about her.
So where do I start?
She was brought up with discipline and was often whacked by my mother with the cane. I heard that my mom chased after her with a cane in the house, until she got trapped in a corner and mom will be haphazardly whacking her. Due to these events, my mom actually molded her character and she turns out to be a fine disciplined woman with goals in life.
She was only 12 when I was only a baby. She took photos with me when we were in overseas. I was 5 years old when I watched my first movie in cinema. It was with my elder sister and her friend. It was a Power Rangers movie. I still remember it vividly in my mind.
I remembered watching some shows on television and it mentioned something about marriage. I was very naive at that time, and I told myself I wanted to get married with my elder sister. I know stupid it sounded, but forgive me for saying that. I can't really remember what else she done for me.
Then came the tradition of Christmas. She always told me and my sister that if we wrote letters to Santa Claus, he will get us the stuff that we want. When Christmas arrived, he got something else different. I remembered seeing some Burger King Toy in my stockings and I'm like puzzled because I always thought that Santa Claus produces his own batch of toys. 1 year later, needless to say, I found out who Santa was actually. So it's really nice of her to create a Christmas atmosphere for us. For other kids, they were given the truth that Santa was just a myth and nothing more. But my elder sister always makes our day by playing the Santa role. And she does not fail to make us smile for every Christmas.
No matter how busy she was, she will always be there for me. She protected me from my mother whenever I got into trouble. She always ask if I needed something to eat while we're shopping. When she reached home, I would always go to her room and talk to her about random stuff. She played with me using the toys that I have. Of course, all these things happened in the past but these memorious always have a special place in my heart.
I enjoyed going to overseas with her. When she started not going with us anymore, it's not the same without her. She always made the trips different. Now I have to suffer with more Mom's crap and Dad's ego. With her around, these things tend to happen less often.
She's like the mother I never had. She gave me a childhood that no other kids have and it is difficult to forget. She was supportive when I said I wanted to be a film-maker. She pampered me and she scolded me, reasonably of course. What mom didn't give, she gave. And honestly, I gave my elder sister more hugs than I gave to my mother.
But now age is catching up on her and I want to stop her from ageing because I need her every now and then. The thing is I want us to stop growing. Because when I leave my teenage stage, I need to take care of myself and I don't want that. I want her to be at my side, guiding me...She makes the wisest decisions and she gives the best advices. I can't really imagine living without this amazing person.
So to round it all up. I love her very much. She's the best sister there is and I think I'm very lucky to have her as my sister. She is one of the things that make my life a very happy one. And bro-in-law deserves a mention too :D
Dad with the "Peace" sign
and of course me, being idiotic..
So that's all folks. Give me some time to resize them and you'll get your photos
Day 1
Okay let's see...We took a 2-hour flight from Singapore to Bangkok, and then a 4-hour trip to Japan..Yes we took a transit flight, and it sucked because I got jet lagged twice. To make matters worse, we took another hour flight to Hokkaido. So I got pretty much shagged by it. I slept on the plane and it felt good, except for the ear pressure part. We visited the toilet while on the way to our hotel. My sister and I played snow while waiting. We reached the hotel and I slept on the bed immediately without taking a bath. Of course I took one later in the morning
Day 2
We visited some "beautiful" waterfalls, but it was frozen and there was snow everywhere, wind was blowing very hard too. Dad took pictures of the waterfalls and the scenery.
Next we head to this place called the Ice Pavilion. It's cold in there. Like freezing cold with all the amazing ice sculptures and oh...This Pavilion isn't' man-made by the way. It was around like -10 degrees Celsius? Or is it -20? I forgot but it is supposed to colder than the waterfalls area.
Outside the Ice Pavilion, we played this snow-boarding thing where you have to sit on top of some circular board and you slide down. Mom was chanting away like mad when we hit the climax part. LOL
We headed for Otokoyama Sake Brewery Museum. Unfortunately, I'm still not of age yet. It's boring there, except we learnt a few things about sake and its history.
OO OO OO, the best part of this day is that we went to the Ishiya White Chocolate Factory. My God, it's a fucking awesome place! Sadly, all the chocolates are all sold out! In Chinese, it reads Bai Zhi Lian Ren Qiao Ke Li. Yeah there fake copies along the trip...I almost bought them..Later there was a sort of a show at the factory. That's the end of this day. We took pictures of course.
3rd Day
In the morning, we went to this place called the Ainu Museum. They are aborigines. They are like tribal kind of people but they are like the Asian form. Skip the ritual part, and the museum 'cause there are pictures! :D We bought souvenirs later at the shop. It turns out that they sell the same shit at all the souvenir shops we've been at. There were dogs there too...And some bears..Didn't took the bear pictures because they're nasty in everything.
Later we went to Hell Valley. The place took it's name too seriously that it literally means it that way. Oh gosh, I can't take the goddamn smell. It smells the same way your fart smells, so it's terrible.
This is the best lunch I ever had. Di Huang Xie (meaning Imperial Crab, I think so)is fucking tasteful and sweet..Followed by a plate of Sashimi and Tuna. Oh my fucking God...They don't even taste like fish. They taste more like pork meat. It's so tender when you bite into it. I took time to savour it of course..Who would want to put a good piece of meat into your stomach so fast?? I think I might have gotten fat from this meal. Damn it's good..
Next stop was the Bear Range. They claimed the bears to be the King of Hokkaido. So we fed the bears with apples that we bought, it's legal by the way, and blah blah blah..And then we went to our next hotel.
Day 4
SNOW-MOBILE BABY! It was an awesome experience. You guys know about Jackie Chan's films...He's running on the snow and there are people chasing after him in those vehicles. Yeah that's a snow-mobile. We're suppose to follow right behind each other and travel as a group. Something embarrassing happened to me. If you want to know, ask me, I don't want to type it down here. LOL. I then overtook 3 people who are slower than me. My God, it was super cool driving that mobile in the snow and with all the wind blowing. My legs felt super cold afterwards. Dad got overtaken by my sister. Well we could overtake other people as long we don't jeopardise our lives.
After this fun activity, we went to Sapporo. It's in the city. The Odori Park is one beautiful park with all the light displays. We spent our night in the concrete jungle and I was happy to see some fastfood restaurants. Sadly they didn't have McSpicy burger. Ebi burger was delicious by the way. You guys should give it a try when you're there.
Day 5
Nothing much happened today. We went to some shops in Otaru. It has the famous Kitaichi Glass Complex and the Otaru Music Box Museum but we didn't went in because we didn't listened to the tour guide..*looks around sheepishly* In the end we bought loads and loads of Hello Kitty stuff. Dad slipped and almost fell down, thank goodness my sister was around to break his fall. He hurt his right knee and was rubbing it non-stop at the lunch place.
We went shopping in Susukino, Hokkaido's famous nightlife district. Well there was nothing for was to shop because we don't want to spend too much money on clothes and other stuff. CLOTHES ARE FUCKING EXPENSIVE for your information. I've never seen such expensive clothes before.
Dinner was a barbeque buffet. They offered these 4 meats: Chicken, Pork, Lamb and Beef. We bought 2 200g of the best beef in whole of Japan and it's called Shen Fu Niu Pa(Steak). It was way better than the beef I ate in Wakayama. It's so juicy and tender. After eating this, there was no way you're gonna eat other beefs.
Mom bought nice-smelling pillows and it's supposed to stay nice-smelling for 5 years. I told her "No use buying this for me because in a year, I don't think it would survive me." Spend the night looking at Japanese girl students. Oh did I tell you? They were living in the same hotel as we lucky me! :D
Day 6
We went back to Tokyo and headed for this place called Odaiba. It's located on an island and we have to cross this bridge called the Rainbow Bridge. Lunch was over too. Inside one of the malls, there's the BIGGEST Toyota showroom I ever seen in my life. Calculate it this way, in square metre, it's as big as half of Vivo City and it occupies 2 floors. I had fun there because there's this driving car simulator thingy. It turns out I'm a bad driver because I kept crashing it into the walls. And there's not even a single dent on the car.
From Odaiba, we went to the airport and off we flew, back to Singapore. I grabbed a few e-mail addresses from some people that are my age. I was kinda proud of myself. I faced my fear and asked them for it. I was a really shy guy..a few years back..I'm happy with what I got..
Ciao, bye bye..
Thanks for reading this ultra long post...I tried my best already to shorten it :D
So where should I start? Su Juen and Kelvin transcribed a percussion ensemble for the PRSS Percussion. I know I've said this before but this time they added in loads of those auxillary parts for Super Mario: Main Theme. It definitely sounds cool as I feel that the music has become more lively with all that different variety of instruments. They also did another Super Mario song which is called the "Underwater Theme". The marimba part for this song is really difficult as they are no patterns in the score at all and it's confusing by just memorising the first four bars of the difficult part.
As for Band, we're currenly learning up a new piece for the Viva La Concert which is called "The Calvarymen of the Prairie". One look at this score and the whole percussion knew, this is some fucked-up piece of music. It is not easy at all. The general speed of the music is like 164 beats in a minute. That is really fast. And with all that semiquavers and triplets, can you imagine?
We celebrated Kelvin's birthday the other day. Shaun and me were tempted to push his head into the birthday cake. By the way, Wei Jie has gone to USA...Hopefully he doesn't do a documentary show that has this opening "Hello. My name's Wei Jie and I come from Singapore...". Oh and Kelvin has gone to Hong Kong too, to visit his relatives and Su Juen is leaving the 12th to China. Don't use the mountain area's toilets!
All right..that's all for tonight. So good bye and good night! This is Lee, signing off...