Xing You
All About Me!
16 Years of Age
Student, percussionist in School Band
Pasir Ris Secondary School
Superpower needed: To fly in the sky!
Xiu Wei
Yan Ting
Wan Leng
Wee Ting
Yu Chao
Su Juen Jie Jie
Bi Xuan Jie Jie
Choon Yi
Bao Shan
Wei Jie
Shu Hua
Xin Er
Other Bands
Ms Annabel Ho(teacher)
January 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
Spider-Man 3 Soundtrack
Creepy Concerts and Delicious Delights
Wow what a "scary" night...SOKA had a concert today, about inviting new friends so as to let them explore what SOKA is all about, but it ended on a scary note. All was great, I was late so I didn't know what went on in the beginning part, but hell the Testimonial Drama seemed like you're watching Exorcist..Scary music too. It was supposed to be a testimonial how a mother facing depression illness recover through doing chanting. During some parts, you have the Mom going crazy, seeing "people", and wanting to jump down a building as some "voices" encouraged her...Then the friend, Li Zhen Auntie, like the Father, "exorcisting" the mother...It's like so creepy, man...My sister said that the way they do this concert, is very bad, because you're introducing this SOKA to new friends, and you have all this religion-based things, it's not gonna be a very good impact on them. Eng Loon gege, my cousin, said it was "primitive", my sister said "creepy" it's "primitively CREEPY". They are supposed to make it a concert, not some youngters telling a "ghostly" stories...Hope this doesn't happen next Sunday...Otherwise, I'll be so embarrassed.
SYF 2007
Finally it's over, the 7 months journey is over, all the putting up with some unhappy things can now be finally unleashed. Yes we got a Silver. Somehow I'm glad we uphold, but I'm not contented with our performance, we could have performed better, but we didn't...But what's done is done. 2009 SYF, i'll make sure the juniors will help the seniors clinch it.
Infinity On High album
WOOOOOOOOOOO! Spidey 3 Soundtrack is out in stores, and I can say this album is not as good as the previous albums. The Killers, Wolfmother, Jet are the highlights of this album...The other songs by Black Mountain, Simon Dawes, Chubby Checker...those are not the good ones...well, not really, it's not suitable for this 3rd movie to have slow and acoustics songs...argh I just don't like it...the tracks are below:
1. Snow Patrol - Signal Fire
2. The Killers - Move Away*
3. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sealings*
4. Wolfmother - Pleased To Meet You*
5. Beatsteaks - Cut Off The Top
6. The Walkmen - Red River*
7. Black Mountain - Stay Free
8. The Flaming Lips - The Supreme Being Teaches Spider-Man How To Fall In Love
9. Simon Dawes - Scared Of Myself
10. Chubby Checker - The Twist
11. Rogue Wave - Sightlines
12. Coconut Records - Summer Day
13. Jet - Falling Star*
14. Sounds Under Radio - Portrait Of A Summer Thief
15. WYO's - A Letter To St. Jude
16. The Oohlas - Small Parts*
After that, me, Jie Jie, Ken gor gor, Eng Loon gege and Huan Ting, went to HongKong Cafe and had a big meal..We ordered a lot of food..then must wait the food to come, very long...When it finally came, we digged in...and it's really good, the meat tasted great, noodles texture was nice, thought the soup had too much MSG though...then the French Toasts came! Whooo hoo! Loved the French toasts, baby! Peanut butter and Kaya in two separate French Toasts, and poured the SWEEEEEEEEEET honey on them...Woah, man, I tell you, you gotta try it! Then later Ken gorgor ordered the Coke. The Waitress said "We don't have Coke, but we Coke with Lemon..." then Ken gorgor "ah okay.." It took a long time too...didn't know why but he was kinda outraged because they put the lemon in the Coke..."then why can't they take out the lemon and put in the Coke?!" Then Eng Loon gege said "Last time I go (duno wad country, i forgot wad he said), I went to buy prata, then the person said "we don't have prata, we have only egg prata.."" LOL! What is hell is wrong with that guy, you could have just don't put the egg in it...We went home, literally talking crap. LOL we talking some gross stuff and laughing away like a bunch of idiots! LOL...
Well it's really late now, and I gotta go do my see ya!
I felt the music in our playing, we weren't really playing notes, we were playing music...though they were some parts we did not sound together...I really enjoyed myself during the performance, I was smiling before it began because I was confidence we can make it...SYF isn't really that scary or nervous, it was like a performance and we just have to give the very best we can. Maintaining a Silver is really good too, as other schools like Dunman High, Victoria and other good schools dropped from Gold to Silver, some from Gold With Honours to silver :( . Sorry Bands that dropped...
Oscar dropped too...He dropped the chime mallet on the ground and it was so loud. Dammit man, how could he dropped the mallet?! In Su Juen's recording, you can hear she say "walao" loudly. Jeez...Su Juen also said some things...Anyway, Oscar! You're gonna die man, I'm not gonna let you off by playing simple mallet pieces, you are gonna play the difficult ones!
To conclude, thanks to all the alumni, friends, tutors and especially Sir, who see us through the exhausting journey to this day. Thank you members for your hard work, without you guys, the band wouldn't even get a silver this year...I want to thank Su Juen, Fadhil and Ahmad for coming down, especially Su Juen, who came down the most to help us out and hang out with us, I really appreciate your presence. Hopefully next year Viva La, we'll give another mind-blowing performance! GO PRSS BAND!
A new album that I had bought using my younger sister's money...muahahaha...Anyway this album is done by Fall Out my opinion, the songs are good especially the drums and Patrick Stump(lead singer)'s voice...Man he can really sing. His vocals are the bomb! Pete Wentz wrote the lyrics of the songs and they rock man. And of course, the titles of the song doesn't have anything to do the lyrics...except for some. And here are the titles of the songs and a new music video for one of their song.
1. Thriller
2. The Take Over, The Breaks Over
3. This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
4. I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)
5. Hum Hallelujah
6. Golden
7. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
8. Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
9. The (After) Life Of The Party
10. The Carpal Tunnel Of Love
11. Bang The Doldrums
12. Fame less than Infamy(I can't type the sign)
13. You're Crashing, But You're No Wave
14. I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs Music Video