Xing You
All About Me!
16 Years of Age
Student, percussionist in School Band
Pasir Ris Secondary School
Superpower needed: To fly in the sky!
Xiu Wei
Yan Ting
Wan Leng
Wee Ting
Yu Chao
Su Juen Jie Jie
Bi Xuan Jie Jie
Choon Yi
Bao Shan
Wei Jie
Shu Hua
Xin Er
Other Bands
Ms Annabel Ho(teacher)
January 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
As we're about to step into the new year, you guys know what this means.Yup, sadly, this blog is closing down for real.
Plethora of Gratitude(Update!)
As the year draws closer to an end, I feel that this does not only mark the end of a wonderful, fruitful year, but also the end of this phase of my life for me. I have nothing much to say but let's welcome the new year upon us and embrace it with caress and endearment. And tonight, I shall shun away from this post with humility and put the dearest people who made who I am today in the spotlight. Their awesomenses exceeds beyond the dark skies and far into the stars. Labels: Gratitude
Special Gifts
As you guys know, recently, I had received an iPod Nano for my Christmas gift and I agree with my with elder sister oblinging that this will also be my birthday present. So I wasn't expecting anything from her this jolly season. To my surprise, she handed me this little gift from Dooodolls(picture below). Honestly, I have no idea what the hell is this but hey, it's a cute little red toy called "Ninja" from my elder sister. So I love any gift given from her naturally. Jie Jie, you don't have to get me this, you know. I love you, man... And finally to end off this post, here's a random photo =)
Merry Holidays 2008
High five, everybody! Tis' the season to be jolly and have a heck of a time out of this joyous occasion!
Surreal Experience
I never felt I had ever left home. Not even once. Truth was I was travelling across countries over many kilometres to Fukuoka, Japan yet home was rather close to my heart. Thoughts of my elder sister, brother-in-law and my friends flowed right back into my head whenever I find serenity. Maybe it's because I kept thinking of what to get for them. But nonetheless, I missed their presence. And I'm glad to be back in Singapore during this time of year.
Japan, Once More
Flying off tonight...Do miss me! Haha..
Hatred Or Not?
I don't think anyone should harbour any hatred towards anyone. No matter how much harm someone inflicted on you, you shouldn't bottle it down in your heart. It will leave an emotional impact on your life forever as you're restricted to let your vindictive feelings known to that particular individual. And this is not healthy for your mind and soul. Yeah, so what if you tell that guy off for being a prick, he will take no consideration to any of your comments. So there you go, you've not only wasted your time trying to convince him but also wasted your precious saliva.
My New Year resolution? I don't really have any resolutions. And I'm not saying that I'm a perfect person when actually I'm a perfectly flawed human being. All the resolutions I have are the simple, everyday promises that I made to myself. Though when approaching the new year, I'm supposed to throw out the bad habits I have and instill the good ones. But I'm constantly changing myself for the better.
Like for example, after talking to my mom and Su Juen, thought not at same time, I know I have to take good care of my younger sister. I got to stop bullying her for fun and let her know I really care for her through my actions. You see, we don't need to wait for the new year so as to make our resolutions to change ourselves. We can choose the time whenever we feel the need to.
I really hope you guys enjoy reading this blog for the past 2 years and has taken a leaf out of this book. I'm not a preacher of sorts but I want to share what I learn about with the people I know. For now, I wish you readers a Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true. Corny...Yes, I know..Haha
Welcome and embrace 2009!
Thank you:
Mom and Dad: for you were the people who brought me into this world
Elder Sister and Bro-in-law: for your unwavering support you have for this idiotic brother
Younger Sister: for your kindness even though I treated you like shit sometimes
Friends from PRSS(in no exact order)
Zheng Qian, Xiang Chou, Agassi, Zhao De, Taufiq, Hadi, Kwai Yuen, Chun, Bobby, Lynn, Yi Yan, Janus, Edison, Jie Wei, Hakim, Hafir, Syafie, Hisham(Tall), Hisham(Short), Amirul, Faruq, Faiz, Syahirul, Ro Woon, Wen Ying, Jia Wei, Ming Xue, Fadli, Mubarak, Yusoff, Glenn, Sy Yuan, Tiffany(E6), Tiffany(E7), Xiao Xuan, Camillie, Yan Ting, Pei Yun, Chin Leong, Yu Chao, Wee Ting, Yu Sen, Jeremy, Jason, Ryan, Farhan(E3), Jaron, Wei Zhou, Mei Shan, Leslie, Wei Lin, Poon, Ilyas, Clarence, Firduous, Gary, Haneef, Ron, Wee Chiat, Wen Qiang, Da Zhang, Hanafi, Yong Xiang, Luqman, Richard, Jia Hao, James, Qing Tao, Chloe, Nadhirah, Ding Yang, Qiu Mei, Adiyanah, Zahariah, Zi Hui, Hai Mei, Renay, Xi Da, Yi Qi...And lots more that I didn't mention. Look it's not that I forgotten about you guys, it's just that I can't simply remember everyone but you always have a place in my heart.
Pasir Ris Concert Band
Sir, Mr. Pisit, Mdm Mariam, Shaun, Farhan, Elaine, Bao Shan, Azri, Farhin, Syazwanie, Hui Xian, Wei Jie, Xiao Fang, Natasha, James, Syahin, Oscar and all my wonderful seniors, especially SU JUEN, and of course my dearest juniors.
Bask in the spotlight, my dearests, you all deserve them.
We have come to the closure of Part 1 for the blogger is too damn blur to continue. See you guys on the 31st =D
Part 2!
Here's a quick one for the teachers who not only educated me throughout these 2 years but also showered their care and concern for me.
Mr Neo, Mrs Lynn Tan, Mrs Chua Yoke Ung, Mrs Lim Ngee Peng, Mdm Audrey Yue, Ms Eileen Chia, Mr Wong, Mdm Goh Sim Choo, Ms Fang, Ms Ho, Ms Serene Siew, Mr Joshua Tan, Mr Andrew Lim, Miss Melinda Lim, Mdm Esther Lim, Miss Siti, Mr Yeo, Mdm Mariam, Mrs Sum, Mr Fahd, Mr Luqman, Mr Halim and even also the hellish Mr Chai.
Of course, I have to thank Ms Cheng and Mrs Lee for they are the ones who made education not only enjoyable but also fruitful for all the students.
Haha and I gotta mention that I have a few favourite teachers.
Mrs Chua
Mdm Yue
Mdm Mariam
Mrs Lynn Tan
and of course not forgetting Ms Ho. =D
You teachers helped me a lot and I greatly appreciate them.
Up next is another photo of another soft toy, also red in colour, that I bought from Universal Studios Japan. Yup, it's Elmo in the Santa's red outfit. Awww, doesn't he look adorable? Look at his small smile below his orange nose! Man, I'm a sucker for these kind of cute stuff.
Spread your love around with those people you care and don't put up a sad face!
Be content with the accompany of people you love for they are the greatest gift any person can get!
Pop your windows open and give a big hearty "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!" to your neighbours!
Thank your friends for being putting up with your old irritable habits and give them a hug from the heart!
See those who are out alone on the streets and bring them along with your friends to hang out at a pub!
Drag that computer game freak brother out for a stroll in the streets and get him something nice that isn't computer-related.
The whole point of it all is to celebrate the love and joy we have for one another. Most of the time, people passed by each other without asking basic questions like: "How are you?", "How did you day went?", "Have you eaten yet?". We are so busy to the extent that we forget to show how much we care for our special individuals. So when an opportunity arrives at our doorstep in the form of this Christmas Day, we must treasure this chance and spread the love and care to these people.
I'm done with this Joyous Message, and please do get your loved ones something special.
A hug...that's the best present ever..
Ever since I stepped off the plane back in Fukuoka, the whole holiday seemed to be a road trip, from Fukuoka, Kyushu, Nagasaki, Osaka then finally settling in Tokyo. Sitting in a coach for hours is just not my thing. Usually I'm sleeping with a big on my lap while resting my chin on top of it and my head just bobs with the occasion bumps along the journey. Sometimes I just stare out the windows and admire both the beautiful scenery of the country sides of Kyushu and the tall city lights of Tokyo.
The green sway along with cold-biting wind and I wonder how wonderful the trees and plants are in their own way. I'm telling you: You don't get to see these kind of trees anywhere in Singapore. What a pity for me as it ain't the season of spring so I didn't have the chance to see any colourful flowers blossom before my eyes. Green Hills from afar form a smooth curve as a foreground to the white peak of Mount Fuji. When we passed over those hills, Mount Fuji looks amazingly huge and beautiful right in your face. We ascended the majestic Mt. Fuji and stopped at the 4th station where we played in the snow and took pictures with a snowman that had no smile.
Spending one night in Tokyo doesn't do justice to a city boy. The colours of those shops just stands out in the darkness and the city is still alive late at night. Shin Sai Bashi was similar to Singapore's Orchard Road and it take about 10 mins to walk from one end to the other. Imagine if you take your own sweet time and explore every shop, I think it'll take more than an hour to complete your window shopping.
And the people you passed by are on the their cellphones, chatting away, while some multi-task by quickening their footsteps and avoiding hitting others in the shoulders. Their clothes are so stylish and looks absolutely stunning. From working adults to young teenagers, their clothings never ceased to amaze me. The male adults are clothed in a suit while covered by a black overhanging coat that reaches the knees while the ladies try their best to look stunning in their black and occasionally white dresses. What about the young ones? They're like Singaporean teenagers who goes around in Orchard Road but they dress a hell lot nicer than us over here. I hope I don't offend anyone when I say we're just a cheap imitation of Japanese teenagers in terms of their dress code. The girls look cute and sassy while the guys style their hairs to their preference and it looks dashing on them.
I'm impressed with their cellphones. They are manufactured to slide it over with your fingers to open up the keypad while some phones you can just flip them open with finesse. Now whenever I look at my phone, I feel kind of awkward that I have an ugly looking phone. If you ever try selling Singapore and Japan cellphones, prepare to call the supplier to sell you more of those Japan cellphones because they're not only sleek but they are also beautiful and more outstanding than Singapore phones. Heck, even my father loves their design but sadly we couldn't afford to have one for it's made for the Japanese.
I would be sporting out a long nose like Pinocchio if I said I never had fun at Universal Studios and Disneyland. This is what I've been waiting for, man. Riding on death-defying roller coasters has always been the thing that pumps my blood in my veins a little faster and I enjoy shouting in excitement whenever the cart takes a plunge down. Besides these rides, there are also the 3D rides that scare the hell out of me when the imaginary brick flies at me.
Looking back at all these, I can't believe I did all of it in just eight days. Sure, it was fun and I had Lsome arguments with my mother but it seemed so hard to swallow it down. Still I'm happy to take a rest again from school and band. I hope these memories will stay locked in my head and now it's time for me to reboot my mind and body so I can get ready for another stressful year ahead.
7 more days to go before this blog officially closes down.
I'll just leave you guys with a saying:
Life can only be understood backward but for it to happen, it must be lived forward.
I've been through this kind of ordeal before, and seriously it sucks. The hateful perpetual thoughts of the person will make the vortex that's already exists in your heart bigger and then suck you into a vacuum of darkness, slowly tearing your soul apart. All in short, it just causes an disturbing emotional impact on you, and it becomes even worse than before.
Besides that, the people around you who are trying to change their perspective about you will be affected by that negative attitude you carry around. They will despise you even more, finding you immature and there'll be no more chances for you to change. Of course, if you want to change something about yourself, first of all, you've got to be open-minded and let criticisms strike you. Then after that, think to yourself: Hmm, what must I change about myself? Lastly, you have to strive for consistency in your change because if not, soon you will see yourself turning back to what you were.
But if you still think you're right, then don't change anything about yourself because you're original in every way. One way to check whether you're right or wrong is to see how many people dislike the way you do things. The more people there are, you're most probably on the wrong track to hell.
I watched a Hong Kong serial drama and there was this guy, acted by Kevin Cheng, who was framed by his close cousin (that retarded Ah Wang fellow) that he killed his step-father and Kevin Cheng had to serve 10 years of jail time. After being released, he plotted revenge against his cousin however in the end, he forgave and forgot about his cousin did to him. Yeah, though that happened after Kevin Cheng put his cousin in jail, but the point of it all, is to forgive and don't harbour hatred, which brings us back to the first sentence of this post.
After coming across Jason Mraz this year, I learnt not to keep everything unhappy bottled in my heart and just accept the way things are. Jason Mraz reminded me what friends are for and what love is all about. So what if your friends pissed you off a couple of times or even didn't talk to you for a while, it doesn't mean that they don't like you anymore. It's just that you're not their only friend. Besides this, they have a very busy life. So I learnt that one must treasure the times that he spend with their great friends and don't be a prick by feeling that they neglected you someway or the other.
Whatever someone has did you wrong, just try to forgive and forget about the whole matter. And don't be an ass by doing more harm after the guy gets his just desserts. What goes around will naturally comes around. Ever heard of karma? So living life without hatred is so much better than living a life filled with angst. It'll make your life a whole lot of difference, trust me. =)